Oily Skin? Here's my FAVORITE quick fix!

I’ll always be happy to talk about how oily my T-zone (the forehead and nose) gets by the end of the day. It’s honestly quite an achievement how bad it gets. Oil control is definitely one of the things I am working on during my skincare journey. It has always been something that I have struggled with. I remember back in college, my roommate would always make fun of me for being so oily. And we would RELY on those oil blotting sheets. But even after completely saturating one of those oil sheets, it was not enough to get rid of the oil from my forehead.

But then my holy grail product hit me in grad school:


(not a sponsored post, I promise!)

I was very skeptical when I first tried out this product. If a physical blotting paper was not enough to get all of the oil off of my skin, then how can this paste / liquid do anything for me? But, I wanted to give it a try, in the spirit of the skin journey.

WOW! The results were incredible. It was truly an instant fix. You can see in the video that the shine is significantly reduced within minutes of applying the product. I am literally astounded. This is definitely a product that I will recommend to people who suffer from oily skin. It is such a life-saver for me. Whenever I take my pictures at home, I always swipe on my Instant Fix to reduce shine from the light and make my skin look so much more matte.

I looked into the ingredients, and I think the silica is what is helping reduce the oil. Silica is in the little powder packets that you get when you open up a new box of shoes. It is a desiccant to help keep moisture low to preserve the integrity of your shoes. I think a similar property is being applied when you put it onto your skin. It is desiccating your skin of the excess oil that you have. With that said though, I do want to clarify that it does not dry out my skin. I do not experience any flaking or any general discomfort when wearing this product.

So do you want to go out and try this product? I highly recommend it, especially if you’re an oily mess like me on the daily! You can even use this proactively in the morning the help absorb oil throughout the day. But since my routine in the morning is already pretty extensive, I didn’t want to add yet another product on, just in case my skin is overwhelmed or my pores get clogged from having so many things in it.